My work has been widely cited in books, newsletters, articles, academic papers, videos and online tutorials.

My report in The Wire on caste based discrimination in campus, based on committee reports and a response from the University Grants Commission to a Right to Information inquiry on mandated action taken reports was used in a public interest litigation filed in the Supreme Court of India. The court directed the UGC to collect and submit all data higher education institutions on the implementation of the UGC (Promotion of Equity in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations, 2012.
My findings in The Wire on land acquisition for an international railway project in Manipur was taken up by the Manipur Lokayukta, an autonomous anti corruption
My In these Times investigation on Indian migrants seeking asylum in the United States was heavily cited in a paper published by the Washington DC based policy think tank, Niskanen Center.
My essay 'Accord' on India's longest running insurgency was cited in Mohak Mangel's Youtube explainer on Nagaland, which has over 2 million views.