About Me

(With Raneshwari Rabha, a tribal woman in Assam who was exiled out of her village after she was accused of practicing witch craft. Pic: Sadiq Naqvi) 

First things first. Yes, Makepeace is my real name. It's not a pseudonym nor the name of my organisation :) 

I have been in media, communications and non profits in India since 2007, having worked in a bunch of media start ups, social good experiments, and human rights organisations. I have been freelancing as an independent journalist since 2018 with my work published in several international publications including Foreign Policy, CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, Vice, Vogue Business, The Baffler, In These Times, The Washington Post, The Daily Beast, and Middle East Eye. I have also written for several national media publications like NDTV, Scroll, The Wire, Behanbox, East Mojo, Article-14, Indian Express, Economic Times and more. 

I mostly cover India's Northeast region (8 states!) that borders China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar but have also reported from United States, Taiwan, Australia and Thailand. Fluent in English and Hindi, I also understand Assamese, Punjabi and Thadou (Kuki Chin tribal dialect). 

Most of my stories lie at the intersection of gender, culture, politics, identity, economics and environment. Besides news stories, I specialise in long form narrative non fiction, investigations, documentaries (writing, research and production), podcasts and research. I'm, also, open to gigs on copy writing, digital strategy and speech writing.

In the past, I have worked in organisations like Amnesty International, The Print, Breakthrough, The Alternative, Twenty Onwards Media and Halabol.

I unwind from the horrors of the world by watching horror films, practicing yoga and cooking.

While I have a permanent base in Guwahati, Assam, I divide my time between travelling in the region and my second home in New Delhi.

You can also securely reach me at makepeacesitlhou@protonmail.com 

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